Kobe B. Bryant and success!

Regarding Kobe Bean Bryant and the surgery last Saturday which was said to have been successful.
From a 30 year Physical Therapist.

Since the tendon has been repaired securely, I feel that as long as Mr. Bryant is eating well,
getting all of his vitamins and minerals, drinking plenty of water, and using health tips,
he will have success and return quickly.  He should not use narcotics, alcohol of any kind, stimulants
such as teas or coffee, or eat excess sugars which can impede healing.  He should eat as much fresh
fruit and vegetables, or drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices as possible, because that will increase
the oxygen content in his blood and coupled with the use of the H-Wave unit speeding the circulation to
the surgically repaired area, healing will occur more rapidly.  For the external incision site region,
a grape fruit may be sliced in half, then sliced in ovals and applied to the healing incision.  This will
eliminate swelling, chances of infection and promote almost immediate healing.  Grape fruit can be
placed over the incision site, secured with plastic wrap, then secured with ace wrap, changed daily.

Gentle passive stretching of the achilles can begin as tolerated performed by qualified therapist/trainer.
Progress as tolerated with the gentle Range of Motion.  I believe Mr. Bryant can be ready to walk in a few
weeks, if not sooner.

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